
How do you Sign up for Utilities?

Instructions for First Time Xpress Bill Pay Users
How to pay your bill online

What are my payment options?
You can pay by check, Credit Card, Money Order, Cashiers Check

Equal Pay:
 Residential customers can now take the guesswork out of budgeting for your utility bill. With hot summers and cold winters, sometimes it is hard to predict what your utility bill will be each month. With the Equal Payment Plan, the bill is figured by taking the prior 12-month actual charges to calculate the new average for the equal pay amount. Your meter will continue to be read each month.
This plan has three requirements.

  1. You must have 12 months of history at the current utility location.
  2. Your account must be current.
  3. You authorize Santa Clara City to debit your checking account for the monthly equal pay amount.

If you would like to participate in the Equal Monthly Payment Plan, please click the following link, (form tab) or contact the City at 435-673-6712 and request an application, or applications are available at our offices located at 2603 Santa Clara Drive.

Equal Pay Application

Water Base fee – Base fee helps to cover the fixed costs to the city’s water company, such as pumps, storage facilities, and distribution system. It covers the water system (city’s water pipelines and distribution of water) to the city’s customers.
Water Consumption – Accounts for the water used and is added on top of the Water Base Fee. The city has a tiered water rate system, which increases in cost the more water that is used. Various sized meters will have multipliers added to the meter to track the consumption. Your typical ¾” residential water meter has a multiplier of ten, meaning you take the consumption usage figure and times it by the multiplier to get the total gallons used for the billing-cycle.
The Washington County Water Conservancy District passed a 10 cents per 1,000-gallon water rate increase effective July 1, 2022. This increase has been built into the newly adopted tiered water rate structure. This new tiered water rate structure was adopted in part to encourage water conservation, but at the same time keeping rates competitive for indoor water use.

0-9000 Gallons1.05per 1,000 gallons
9001 – 160001.58per 1,000 gallons
16001 – 230001.83per 1,000 gallons
23001 – 300002.58per 1,000 gallons
30001 – 360003.23per 1,000 gallons
36001 & Up4.53per 1,000 gallons
5/8 x 3/4″ & 3/4″$37.251
1 1/2″$133.254

WCWCD Excess Water Use Surcharge
Santa Clara has approved the Conservancy District’s increase in the Excess Water Use Surcharge for new connections to the District’s regional system connecting on or after January 1, 2023.

Washington County Water Conservation District
In addition to existing water rates, beginning January 1, 2023, fees for high water use will be assessed to users who exceed a monthly water use threshold. The monthly water use threshold is based on the date the user’s impact fee was paid. Users who paid an impact fee on or prior to December 31, 2022 will be assessed $1 per 1,000 gallons for excess use while users who paid an impact fee on or after January 1, 2023 will be assessed $10 per 1,000 gallons for excess use. The collected fees will fund conservation initiatives. Click here for details.

Excess Water Use Surcharge
In addition to existing water rates, beginning January 1, 2023, fees for high water use will be assessed to users who exceed a monthly water use threshold. The monthly water use threshold is based on the date the user’s impact fee was paid. Users who paid an impact fee on or prior to December 31, 2022 will be assessed $1 per 1,000 gallons for excess use while users who paid an impact fee on or after January 1, 2023 will be assessed $10 per 1,000 gallons for excess use. The collected fees will fund conservation initiatives.

Thresholds for Residential Connections
DateWater type*Winter
Impact fees paid on or before December 31, 2022Potable only or potable with secondary36,000 gallons per month36,000 gallons per month36,000 gallons per month36,000 gallons per month
Impact fees paid on or after January 1, 2023Potable only8,000 gallons per month15,000 gallons per month20,000 gallons per month15,000 gallons per month
Potable with secondary8,000 gallons per month8,000 gallons per month8,000 gallons per month8,000 gallons per month

*Potable water is treated to drinking water standards. Secondary water is untreated water used for irrigation purposes.

Thresholds for Non-Residential Potable Connections
Meter SizeMonthly Threshold
3/4″ meter36,000 gallons per month
1″ meter80,000 gallons per month
1.5″ meter260,000 gallons per month
2″ meter420,000 gallons per month
3″ meter850,000 gallons per month
4″ meter1,400,000 gallons per month
6″ meter2,600,000 gallons per month
8″ meter4,200,000 gallons per month

Current Fee: $1.75

Wastewater is used water. It includes substances such as human waste, food scraps, oils, soaps and chemicals. In homes, this includes water from sinks, showers, bathtubs, toilets, washing machines and dishwashers. Businesses and industries also contribute their share of used water that must be cleaned.

Current Sewer Rates: 
Residential – $26.05
Commercial – $32.65

How many cans do I get and how do I request them?
Residential waste service includes up to 2 waste containers and 1 recycling container if in an area serviced by curbside recycling. Please refer to the lid of the BluCan container to help our program be successful and keep costs low.
Additional containers are available for an additional service fee upon request by calling our office at 435-673-2813.
For new residences needing cans, or to have your cans repaired or replaced, call our office or fill out this form.

List of Recycling Materials Accepted:
Aluminum cans
Cardboard – i.e.: packaged food boxes, shipping boxes, etc. (No greasy boxes)
Mixed paper – i.e.: Junk mail, magazines, paper bags, and paper packaging, etc.
Plastic #1 and #2 – i.e.: Water bottles, milk jugs, detergent bottles, etc. (Hint: look at the bottom of the container for a number 1, 2, … located inside the recycling symbol.) (No plastic bags)
Steel food cans – i.e.: tuna fish cans, #10 food storage cans, etc.
Please do not place your items to be recycled in bags, they should be placed directly in the Binnie or in the BluCan recycling container as separate items!  Glass – Should only be taken to the Binnies and not be placed in the BluCan container!!! 

Location of Recycling Bins:
Gubler Park – Southeast Corner Parking Lot

Garbage & Blu Can Schedule