Public Works

Public Works
Dustin Mouritsen

Dustin Mouritsen

Public Works Director

Jamie Mills

Jamie Mills

Executive Assistant


The final service line inventory for Santa Clara has been classified as non-lead; meaning no lead, galvanized downstream of lead, or unknown service lines were found. The system was determined to be non-lead by performing a detailed review of all available records including but not limited to the following:

Aerial Imagery/Historical Imagery
Previous service line material evaluations
Water system records, construction as-built drawings
Water distribution system inspections 
Service line repairs and replacements
Contractor record drawings
Installation and construction dates

Software utilized to manage data and water service connections such as:
ESRI ArcGIS, AutoCAD, Excel


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Culinary Water

Santa Clara has approved the Conservancy District’s increase in the Excess Water Use Surcharge for new connections to the District’s regional system connecting on or after January 1, 2023.

In addition to existing water rates, beginning January 1, 2023, fees for high water use will be assessed to users who exceed a monthly water use threshold. The monthly water use threshold is based on the date the user’s impact fee was paid. Users who paid an impact fee on or prior to December 31, 2022 will be assessed $1 per 1,000 gallons for excess use while users who paid an impact fee on or after January 1, 2023 will be assessed $10 per 1,000 gallons for excess use. The collected fees will fund conservation initiatives. Click here for details.

Storm Water

Gunlock Falls rush into Santa Clara River as Reservoir reaches full capacity SANTA CLARA, Utah (3/15/2023) –It’s been about 13 years since residents in Santa Clara have had to deal with any major flooding. Heavy rains and snowmelt are contributing to the overflow of Gunlock Reservoir which is now rushing over the falls and into the Santa Clara River. Area officials are monitoring the floodwaters as they head downstream, while locals headed to Gunlock Falls to see the power of the water.

Santa Clara City  is an active member of the Dixie Storm Water Coalition.  For further information  pertaining to Storm Water issues and forms, please visit: Southwest Utah Storm Coalition
Santa Clara City requires all new construction to submit a State Stormwater Permit Notice of Intent (NOI) as well as a  Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP.)  Both documents are required in addition to a pre-construction meeting with the city’s Storm Water Manager.

The City of Saint George has created and requested assistance in a program called, "Southern Utah Adopt a Waterway."  The program is targeting our local waterways with combined efforts including citizens, volunteer groups and municipalities.  The goal is to enhance our local river system by smaller organized/sponsored clean-up efforts. It is similar to the State's, "Adopt a Highway" Program.  Read More

Water Conservation

Santa Clara gets our water from many different sources.  We are part of the Snow Canyon Compact Well System with St. George City.  There are a total of 7 wells located by Snow Canyon.  Santa Clara owns 100% of Well #6 and of Well #7.  We own a small percentage of the other 5 St. George wells.  Water tests are conducted each year on all our water sources.