Parks Facility Use Reservation Application

Applicant Information

Applicant Address *
Applicant Address
Are you a Santa Clara Resident? *

Requested Reservation Information

Start Time
End Time
Select Requested Reservation -Resident (ALL Parks Pavilions $25 Deposit)
All Deposits by Credit Card Only (VISA or MC)
Select Requested Reservation - Non Resident (ALL Parks Pavilions $25 Deposit)
All Deposits by Credit Card Only (VISA or MC)
2 Chaperones must be provided for each 15 juveniles, (must have name AND phone #)

Rules & Regulations Governing Use of Recreational Facilities

The Permit Group shall leave the facility in a clean and orderly fashion. No equipment shall be removed from the premises. The applicant shall agree to have at least 2 chaperones for every 15 juveniles. No alcoholic beverages, smoking or gambling of any kind will be allowed on City property. The applicant shall accept full responsibility for the conduct of attendees. No decorations shall be displayed or installed which shall damage or deface City property. Destruction, damage or removal of any vegetation or defacement of City/public property is prohibited. A copy of this permit must be in possession of the applicant at all times during park use. All park rules, regulations and general ordinances of the City will apply. The permit group shall be subject to the terms of the Hold Harmless Agreement below.


Santa Clara City (hereinafter known as the City) and the Applicant/Organization (hereinafter known as the User) hereby enter into an agreement as follows with the understanding that information contained herein does constitute a contract within the State of Utah. All parties to the contract further agree to submit to the jurisdiction of the courts in the State of Utah any claims arising out of this contract. This agreement will not be binding upon the City until accepted and approved by the City Manager or his authorized designee. The User: 1. Shall hereby release and hold harmless the City from, and agrees to indemnity it against any and all claims, damages, injury, cost of investigation, Worker’s Compensation and Attorney’s fees arising from, or as a result of use of City owned property, facilities or equipment; 2. Shall obtain, at User’s own cost and expense, any and all licenses or permits required by law or ordinance; 3. Shall take the premises as they are found at the time of occupancy by the User. In the event the User finds it necessary to remove or change the equipment, the changes shall be made by the User at the user’s expense and shall be replaced as found. No removals or changes shall be made without prior written approval from the City; 4. Shall remove from the premises at the conclusion of the activity all equipment and material owned by the user; 5. Shall have all deliveries of needed equipment and materials made only after written approved arrangements with the City are received; 6. Shall not reassign this agreement or sublet the premises, or any part thereof, for any purpose other than herein specified, without the written consent of the City; 7. Shall not bring, keep, allow or possess on the premises any illegal drugs, alcoholic beverages, controlled substances or gambling devises of any kind; 8. Shall not use, store, or permit to be used or stored in or on any part of the City’s premises, any substance or thing prohibited by any law or ordinance, or by standard policies of fire insurance companies operating in the State of Utah; 9. Shall assume full responsibility and liability for the character, acts, and conduct of all persons admitted to the facilities or property owned by the City; 10. Shall provide a certificate of insurance at least 49 hours prior to the activity indicating Evidence of Public Liability Insurance coverage; 11. Shall not allow smoking in or on City owned buildings, facilities or property; 12. Clean and restore the facility equipment, furnishings and the immediate area outside to their original order; The City: 1. Shall furnish light, heat and water by means of the appliances installed for ordinary purposes. Interruptions, delays or failure in appliances of any of the above, caused by anything beyond the control of the City shall not be chargeable to the City; 2. Shall not be responsible for any damage, accidents or injury that may occur to the User, his agents, servants, employees, spectators and any or all other participants, and/or property of any cause whatsoever arising out of or resulting from the above; 3. Reserves the right, in the exercise of its discretion, to rescind and cancel this agreement at any time when the purpose for which the premises are being used, shall be obnoxious or hostile to the best interest of the City; 4. Reserves the right to give City activities a priority for use and alter this agreement by notifying the User not less than 48 hours prior to any activity; 5. May at its option, attach a rider which outlines the fee schedule and other detailed specifications of this agreement and which becomes a part of this agreement.
I certify that I have read and will abide by the rules and regulations which appear above.